The publishing house Edicom Edizioni dedicates a publication to the recent project of the supermarket in Langhirano by the studio_continiarchitettura.
The volume documents not only the architecture of the building, with an extensive photographic kit, but also the construction solutions with drawings, details and photos of the building site.
The new supermarket in Langhirano continues the path of sustainability undertaken by Coop Alleanza 3.0 also for its stores. The project developed by the studio_contini and CCDP recovers a disused industrial area by seeking a relationship with the original characteristics of the context.
The simple volume of the building is made up of a parallelepiped with metal sheet cladding in which the perimeter walls bend to form the roof, inclined as in all traditional buildings in the area.
The entire structure, except for the basement part in reinforced concrete, is in wood with glulam pillars and beams, bracing walls in X-lam panels and roofing slab in prefabricated frame panels.
The apparent simplicity of the interior is the result of careful integration of functional requirements, the structure and the plant engineering parts to achieve comfort inside, linked to factors such as the quality of light, air and visual and acoustic perception.

LINK: https://www.edicomstore.it/vetrina/supermercato-a-langhirano/